Is my home eligible?

Does my property qualify for a Laneway suite?

If you are wondering if the current bylaws allow your existing lot to qualify for Laneway housing, we have the answer! In short, while there are numerous regulations and rules, in the end, more than 75% of the homes that are adjacent to a laneway in the city of Toronto DO qualify for laneway housing.

It is imperative that our clients receive the full gamut of reliable and up-to-date information on the City of Toronto’s bylaws and zoning permits. So, let us help you navigate through the initial steps to ensure your property conforms to these regulations. 

Just enter your street address into the form below and we’ll arrange a 20 minute consultation to give you a preliminary idea if your property qualifies.

Please be assured that, in addition to our ‘no obligation’ decree, we NEVER share your e-mail address with other entities without your expressed permission.

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