This 1,050 square foot, one-bedroom structure is home to a young urban couple, priced out of Toronto’s detached housing market whom elected to build on their family’s property instead. Lanescape worked closely with the builder through design and approvals to develop a unique, resourceful, and aesthetically pleasing scheme while adhering to an extremely tight budget.

Spanning the full width of the lot, this Laneway Suite provides ample privacy for the occupants, functioning as a completely isolated, secondary dwelling on the property. The two-storey, one-bedroom design features a garage and home office on the ground level, with bedroom and large open living, kitchen, and dining spaces on the second floor. A second floor terrace sits facing the laneway, also functioning as an overhang for the primary entrance.

The Seaton Village Laneway Suite is a prime example of how responsible densification of our low-rise residential neighbourhoods can provide suitable homes for new homeowners, without breaking the bank.